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Package Design

Ministry of Hope

This packaging project was for a Malawi-based nonprofit supporting orphans, widows, and the disabled. My partner and I designed the packaging for bracelets made by Kondwani Chitekwere that help fund the organization. The box's color, design, and shape were chosen to reflect the organization’s mission of spreading hope through Jesus Christ. The clay color signifies Kondwani's belief in God molding humans as perfect beings from clay. Inspired by traditional African mud cloths, the intricate patterns on the sides honor Malawian heritage. The interlocked heart-shaped folds on top of the box form a silhouette of Malawi. We also designed a small brochure detailing the Ministry of Hope's initiatives, the bracelets’ significance, and donation options. The final prototype aimed to elevate the bracelets' value and encourage future donations.

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